자바 퍼시스턴스

자바 프로그래밍에 관련된 책입니다.

이 책은 Java Persistence를 번역한 책입니다.


  1. 서문
  2. 저자와 관련하여...
  3. Java Persistence는 무엇인가?
    1. 자바란 무엇인가?
    2. 데이터베이스란 무엇인가?
    3. JPA란 무엇인가?
    4. JPA 2.0 에서 새로워진 것은?
    5. JPA 2.1 에서 새로워진 것은?
    6. Other Persistence Specs
    7. Why use JPA or ORM?
  4. Persistence Products, Which to Use?
    1. EclipseLink (Eclipse)
    2. Hibernate (RedHat)
    3. Open JPA (Apache)
    4. DataNucleus
    5. Ebean (SourceForge)
    6. TopLink Essentials (Glassfish)
    7. TopLink (Oracle)
    8. Kodo (Oracle)
  5. Mapping, Round Pegs into Square Holes
    1. Tables
    2. Identity, Primary Keys and Sequencing
    3. Inheritance
    4. Embeddables (Aggregates, Composite or Component Objects)
    5. Locking and Concurrency
    6. Basic Attributes
    7. Relationships
      1. OneToOne
      2. ManyToOne
      3. OneToMany
      4. ManyToMany
      5. Embedded
    8. Advanced Mappings
      1. ElementCollection (Embeddable Collections, Basic Collections)
      2. Variable Relationships (Heterogeneous, Interface)
      3. Nested Collections, Maps and Matrices
    9. Advanced Topics
      1. Events
      3. Interfaces
      4. Stored Procedures
      5. Structured Object-Relational Data Types
      6. XML Data Types
      7. Filters
      8. History
      9. Logical Deletes
      10. Auditing
      11. Replication
      12. Partitioning
      13. Data Integration
      14. NoSQL (and EIS, legacy, XML, and non-relational data)
      15. Multi-Tenancy
      16. Dynamic Data
  6. Runtime, Doing the Hokey Pokey (EntityManager)
    1. Querying
      1. JPQL
      2. Criteria API
    2. Persisting (Inserting, Updating, Merging)
    3. Transactions
    4. Caching
    5. Packaging and Deploying
    6. EJB
    7. Auditing and Security (User Authentication, Proxy Connections, VPD)
    8. Servlets and JSPs
    9. WebServices
    10. Java EE
      1. Oracle Weblogic
      2. Oracle Glassfish
      3. IBM Websphere
      4. Redhat JBoss
    11. Spring
    12. OSGi
    13. Tomcat
    14. Clustering
  7. Databases
    1. Oracle
    2. PostgreSQL
    3. MySQL
    4. DB2
    5. SQL Server
    6. NoSQL, EIS, and Non-relational Data Sources
  8. Debugging
  9. Performance
  10. Tools
    1. Eclipse JPA (Dali)
  11. Testing

See Also












