心太軟/Xin Tai Yuan/ 마음이 너무 부드러워요. [1]

你总是心太软心太软 +/-

ni zhong shi xing tai ruan xing tai ruan 너의 가슴은 너무 부드러워요 너무 부드러워요

独自一个人流泪到天亮 +/-

du zhi yi ge ren liu lei dao tian liang 혼자서 날이 밝을 때까지 눈물을 흘려요

你無怨無悔的愛著那個人 +/-

ni wu yuan wu hui de ai zhe na ge ren

without complaint or regret you love that person

我知道你根本沒那麼堅強 +/-

wo zhi dao ni gen ban mei na me jian qiang

I know you originally is not that strong

你總是心太軟心太軟 +/-

ni zhong shi xin tai yuan xin tai yuan

you are just too soft hearted, too soft hearted

把所有問題都自己扛 +/-

ba suo you wen ti dao zi ji gang

you handle all of your questions

相愛總是簡單相處太難 +/-

xiang ai zhong shi jian dan xiang chu tai nan

in love, simply getting along is too difficult

不是你的就別再勉強 +/-

bu shi ni de jiu bie zai mian qiang

if it is not yours then don't insist

夜深了你還不想睡 +/-

ye xing le ni hai bu xiang sui

it's very late, you still don't want to sleep

你還在想著他嗎 +/-

ni hai zai xiang zhe ta ma

are you still thinking about him?

你這樣癡情到底累不累 +/-

ni zhe yang chi qing dao di lei bu lei

you are so lovelorn, are you not tired?

明知他不會回來安慰 +/-

ming zhi ta bu hui lai an wei

you know very well he would not return to comfort you

只不過想好好愛一個人 +/-

zhi bu guo xiang hao hao ai yi ge ren

but you only want to love a person well

可惜他無法給你滿分 +/-

ke xi ta wu fa gei ni man fen

unfortunately he could not give you full marks

多餘的犧牲他不懂心疼 +/-

duo yu de xi sheng ta bu dong xin teng

unnecessary sacrifices he would not understand the pain

你應該不會只想做個好人 +/-

ni ying gai bu hui zhi xiang zuo ge hao ren

you should not be only thinking about being a good guy

喔,算了吧 +/-

aie, suan le ba

Aie, forget it

就這樣忘了吧該放就放 +/-

na zhe yang wang le ba gai fang jiu fang

just forget about it, what should be let go should be let go

再想也沒有用 +/-

zai xiang ye mei you yong

thinking more is useless

傻傻等待他也不會回來 +/-

sha sha deng dai ta ye bu hui hui lai

foolishly waiting for him, he would still not return

你總該爲自己想想未來 +/-

ni zhong gai wei zhi zi xiang xiang wei lai

you should think about your own future.