베이비바 뽀개기/내가 과연 할 수 있을까?: 두 판 사이의 차이

내용 삭제됨 내용 추가됨
27번째 줄:
⑤ 매매계약의 이행으로 매매목적물을 인도받음과 아울러 소유권이전등기를 마친 매수인으로부터 매매계약이 해제되기 전에 매매목적물인 주택을 임차하여 주택의 인도와 주민등록을 마침으로써 「주택임대차보호법」에 의한 대항요건을 갖춘 임차인은, 민법 제548조 제1항 단서의 제3자에 해당한다고 할 수 없으므로 자신의 임차권을 계약해제 이후의 새로운 소유자에게 대항할 수 없다.|사법시험 기출 민법문제}}
{{인용문|9. A young man suggested to his friend that they steal a large-screen TV from a neighbor’s house. The friend was angry with the young man and decided to use the opportunity to get even with him by having him arrested. The friend said he would help, and that night, he drove the young man to the neighbor’s house. The young man broke in while the friend remained outside. The friend called the police on his cellphone and then drove away. Police officers arrived at the scene just as the young man was carrying the TV out the back door.The friend is guilty of what offense in a common law jurisdiction?
:(A) No crime.
:(B) Conspiracy.
:(C) Burglary.
:(D) Conspiracy and larceny|미국변호사시험 기출문제}}