ISSN 0008-7114
+/-- Cactus and succulent journal
- Cactus explorer
- Cahiers de biologie marine
- Cahiers Magellanes
- Cainozoic research
- Caldasia
- California fish and game
- Calodema
- Cambodian journal of natural history
- Canadian entomologist
- Canadian journal of arthropod identification
- Canadian journal of botany
- Canadian journal of earth sciences
- Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences
- Canadian journal of zoology
- Candollea
- Canterbury Museum bulletin
- Caribbean herpetology
- Caribbean journal of science
- Caryologia
- Časopis Národního muzea, Řada přírodovědná
- Caucasian entomological bulletin
- Central European journal of biology
- Centre for Entomological Studies Ankara miscellaneous papers
- Ceylon journal of science (biological sciences)
- Check list
- Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin
- Chesapeake science
- Chinese bulletin of entomology
- Chinese journal of entomology
- Chinese journal of oceanology and limnology
- Chinese journal of zoology
- Cicindela
- Cicindelidae: bulletin of worldwide research
- Cimbebasia
- Cladistics
- Colemania
- Coleoptera
- Coléoptères
- Coleopterist
- Coleopterists bulletin
- Coleopterists Society monographs
- Comparative cytogenetics
- Comparative parasitology
- Compositae Newsletter
- Comptes rendus biologies
- Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences (III)
- Comptes Rendus Palevol
- Comunicações do Museu de Ciências da PUCRS, Série Zoologia
- Condor
- Conservation advisory science notes
- Conservation genetics
- Contributions from the Department of Oceanography University of Washington, Seattle, Washington
- Contributions from the United States National Herbarium
- Contributions in science
- Contribution in Marine Science
- Contributions of the American Entomological Institute
- Contributions on entomology, international
- Contributions to natural history
- Contributions to Tertiary and Quaternary geology
- Contributions to zoology
- Cookia
- Copeia
- Coral reefs
- Cossmanniana
- Cretaceous research
- Crustacean Issues
- Crustacean research
- Crustaceana
- Cryptogamie algologie
- CSIRO marine and atmospheric research paper
- Current biology
- Current herpetology
- Current science
- Current zoology
- Cybium
- Czech mycology